Company Setup and Compliance


Incorporation of companies and subsidiaries

At PCG we understand that the development of commercial activities must be supported by an efficient legal and accounting model, therefore, we provide our clients with the following services related to the establishment or set-up of new companies and subsidiaries:

-Entrepreneur consultancy, regarding the creation of companies and foreign investment regulation.

-Preparation of legal documentation, including the drafting of partners / shareholders agreements and corporate bylaws.

-Advisory and follow-up services on notarial procedures.

-Filing and monitoring of procedures before different authorities, including trademark and patent registration before different public registries.

-Authorization and registration procedures in tax (SAT) and labor registries (IMSS, SAR, STPS, INFONAVIT), as well as obtaining of corporate names.


Compliance with legal and tax obligations

We advise our clients with ancillary services to their day-to-day operations, as well as compliance with applicable regulations and industry best practices.

-Preparation of partners / shareholders meetings regarding the approval of corporate exercises.

-Updating and filing of corporate documentation amendments before public registries.

-Filing and obtaining the required authorizations and permits for the client's operations.

-Filing of annual tax returns.

-Advice on foreign trade matters.

-Filing of different procedures related to compliance with labor and tax obligations. 
